Reduce Complexity

Focus on validating the scalability of applications rather than using a complicated test tool.

Simplify results sharing

Promote open standards and shared user experiences to integrate project team members.

Improve application analysis

Flag down the cause of slowdowns for apps and interfaces with complete environmental analysis.

Solutions to grow your business

Achieve Unparalleled Time-To-Value

  • Rapidly deliver applications that the business needs.
  • Facilitate faster decision making among cross-functional teams working in tandem.

Reinvent Development

  • Stay Agile and respond quickly to evolving business and customer needs.

Build More at Scale

  • Design solutions that are easy to scale on cloud-native architecture.
  • Create a variety of solutions ranging from process automation apps to mission-critical systems modernization without incurring high costs.

Achieve faster time-to-market (TTM) with scalable test automation frameworks.

Reduce regression costs

Reduce the effort required to run tests and analyzing the outputs by up to 90%, making the testing process highly efficient.

Optimize the use of resources

Relieve team from tasks of repeatable testing and utilize them to focus more on release-specific functional testing.

Improve testing quality

Enhance consistency and quality of the testing by removing the possibility of any manual errors and increasing the test coverage simultaneously.

Leverage our proprietary & robust end-to-end automation products

Easy set up and configuration

Rich and detailed reporting mechanism

High inter-operability

Less/no technical knowledge required

Automate to refine & redefine your testing capabilities

Key Features

Built-in Keywords
Data-Driven / Sequential Testing Capabilities
Externalized Re-usable components
Test Data Externalized
Recovery Scenario
Re-Usable Components

Tool Features

Different page element recognition method
An extensive set of commands
Supports soft and hard failures
Command grouping
Execution controller
Updated libraries